2023 Annual Dinner Dance and Prize Evening

As normal the Lancashire Automobile Club returned to the great setting of Mitton Hall for it’s Annual Dinner Dance.

The guests arrived to a complimentary glass of bubbly courtesy of the Club before sitting down to a fine meal. Steve Woods said grace and then three course meal was served in exemplary fashion by the Hall’s staff. Martin Wylie then proposed the Loyal Toast to the King, Duke of Lancaster, Lord of Man.

The meal was followed by the prize presentation. The first to receive an award was the ‘young’ Mike Wood who appropriately received the Wood Trophy for his lifelong exploits in rallying and his consistent support of the Club for70 year. During this time he has been a member, Committee Member, Chairman, President, Vice President and Director. Somewhere in the midst of all this he has been the prime mover of several events and organiser of many more including driving and social events. He continues to support the Club assisting in the organisation of the St Georges Day Run, LAC Kendal 100 and Coast to Coast.

The next award was the Attwater Trophy. This is for services to the Club and this year’s winner should be known to many regular entrants. Sandra Williams is our entries Secretary and ensures the smooth running of events. Additionally, she can be found at signing on as well as marshalling on our events. How she has fitted this in over the last couple of years with her other duties is a mystery. She has also been working as part of the Covid vaccination programme.


Next came the RW Clarke Memorial Trophy. This was presented by Ray’s family to the Club. Ray was an organiser of LAC events for many years plus being the Club Treasurer with a watchful eye on the LAC funds. Our winners this year, Norman and Mary Stansfield, have been involved in Lancashire motorsport sprints several decades ago and have recently entered many of our runs, as well as supporting Social Events, whenever possible.

We moved swiftly on to the Jaguar Trophy. This was presented by Jaguar Cars Plc to the LAC for organising their 100 Centenary of Sir William Lyon`s week-long Rally. It is for us to use annually as we wish the only stipulation is that is should go to the driver of a Jaguar. This year the award goes to David Williams someone who does more than most of us with his crazy Jaguar – It is not only his exploits on our events, but the car is regularly used to make money for Charity in both British   and European events. The XJS does not have a standard, gleaming, paint job, but falls well in line with their title – the fantastic Rat Jag.

The Presidents Trophy came next. Our President, Eileen Dyson, has free choice on this one and she chose the Club Chairman, Martin Wylie, for all his hard work over many years supporting and promoting the Club. As an additional surprise for Martin he was also granted Honorary Membership by the Club.

Our premier award The Peter Collins Trophy was not awarded this year as we like to keep it for someone very special not only for the way they take part in motor sport but also the manner in which they do it. The assembled multitude were asked to get their motors out and do something special this year so the award can be presented next year.

However, our last year`s winner: we now thank Andrew Wareing who has presented the Club with an original Programme for the 1958 Silverstone Daily Express Race at which Peter won this glorious trophy. The Programme must always stay inside the Trophy for others to enjoy.

Some of the names in the Programme are iconic, Moss, Hill, Hawthorne, Salvadori, Innes Ireland, David Piper and a host of other international motorsport names.

But, there is also one named driver in the Sports Car Race, again alongside all those same names, Mossy, Hill & Co, who was local to here – that name is John Horridge.  He was driving a Lister Bristol, which interestingly, was raced in the sixties by our own Anthony Taylor.   We are delighted to once again have John`s son, Nick Horridge, a regular attendee at our events, with us tonight.  Nick was asked to stand and take a bow!!

With their meal settled the evening moved on to dancing and general socialising before the raffle was drawn with some great prizes. Proceeds from the raffle will be going to charity.

After this more dancing was the order of the evening until late.

A great event special thanks to Carolyn and Eileen for the organisation at to the members present for making it special.