A few days before your membership subscription renewal is due, you will be sent an email asking you to renew, this will include a link to the renewal function of the website, which can also be accessed viw the Membership Renewal menu option.
The first step is to identify yourself so that the system can find your membership details, enter your membership number and surname and the type of membership you would like for next year. For example if it was a single membership, you could change it to a joint membership.
Press Next and your email address will be displayed, it this is no longer valid, change it and press Next again.
Your address will be displayed and again you may change the details if required .
Pressing Next moves to on to the payment step, please choose the method of payment you wish to use and press Continue.
If you chose Direct Debit, you will be redirected to the GoCardless site for you to create a Direct Debit Mandate. GoCardless are the company we you to handle you direct debit mandates. Their website is secure and they handle all the interaction with your bank. In this way we have no sight of your bank details.
If you chose Credit Card, the credit card transaction will be handled by Tyl, part of Natwest, again, their secure website takes your credit card details and we have no sight of them.
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